Listening to: This is Halloween
Reading: Nintendo Power
It was basically all about the Nightmare Before Christmas today. I had This is Halloween, Kidnap the Sandy Claws, and Oogie Boogie's song stuck in my head and was actually singing it quietly in class while I worked. I'm surprised I actually remembered what to do in biology after those songs because of the music -_- But at least on a quiz I only missed 1 out of 10.
Tobi drew a pic of Jack Skeleington off of Nightmare Before Christmas. There's a catch though, here's the convo:
Me: *looks at pic* This is actually really good Tobi
Tobi: Thanks, I think I did a pretty good job, considering I didn't see the movie
Joce: You freak!
Nothing much was really exciting today, except, because art club was cancelled, Tobi didn't have a ride home, so she was heading to the bus. Then when I was almost out the door, Tobi came up and asked if whoever was driving me home had a phone because she forgot her house key. Luckily, it was my aunt Jewell. Tobi called her mom but she didn't pick up until we were nearly at my house. So, Tobi came to my house for a while until her mom picked her up a few minutes later.