Friday - Meh...

My comp is still a tard... it won't let me comment or fav or sub ppl TT^TT I hate it... I think I'm also getting sick...

Joce showed me some of her comics. (that everyone except me apparently knew about and saw -_-') Here's the ones that stood out:

Zoey: Hey Max, we're going out to get something to eat, you want anything?
Max: Sure, can we go to Burger King?
*at Burger King*
Sally: So what do you want Max?
Max: What do they have?
Sally: It's Burger King They have burgers
Max: ... I'm not in the mood for burgers
Zoey: So what do you want?
Max: I wanted to have it my way...
Zoey: I heard someone say "all men think in their pants."
Sally: Yeah, I heard that too
Max: Nuh uh! That can't be true! I'm a guy...
Zoey & Sally: ...
Max: And I don't wear pants ^^
Zoey & Sally: O_e

People keep complementing my drawings when I was in health... and I know that when I get in high school, I'm going to take Japanese ^^ and I have a feeling I'm going to get an A on the Biology Test we took today. It was easy.
