You know the drill: 10 of your OCs, answer the questions accordingly, blah blah blah.
1. Xait
2. Hybrid
3. Ominous
4. Lilia
5. Celena
6. Gao
7. Sai
8. Dai
9. Ji
10. Taro
1) 1 and 8 write a grocery list. What items are on it?
Xait: Okay, we got ice, ice cream, soda, milk, juice... we need anything else besides college ruled paper, sketch paper, and school supplies?
Dai: Stuff for making tacos, M&M’s, and frozen pizza
Xait: ? We need that?
Dai: ... it tastes good
2) 3 and 5 go shopping according to said list. What do they forget, and what do they buy instead?
Ominous: ... what were they on when this list was made?
Celena: ... no clue... do we need ice though?
Ominous: Not really. How about some meat for Grudge though
Celena: Great. We’ll add that
3) 7 finds out he/she is violently allergic to bees! What does 2 do?
Sai: Great... I’m going to end up dying because of this
Hybrid: ... Good luck with that *walks off*
Sai: Damn it! You need to help me! Not walk away!
4) Knowing full well about 7's allergies, 10 mail-orders a hive of bees and puts it in 7's room. What does 4 say about this?
Lilia: Taro? *pulls knife out* Wanna play a game after you’re done?
Taro: ._.’ umm... what’s the game?
Lilia: *evil smile* It involves running and lots of your blood coming out of your back
5) If 9 hijacked a PA system, what would they broadcast throughout the building?
Ji: Sai munches butt. Gao likes little boys. Dai wants to commit suicide. And all of you are lowlife idiots within society. Why I waste time with you, I have no clue. I have to be in school for a reason, but it’s pointless. So enjoy your messed up illusions of lives and go f*** yourselves bitches!
6) 6 sunbathed for too long and got a sunburn. What does he/she have to say about it?
Gao: ... Shit
7) What would 1 say 6 looks like, now that he/she is sunburnt?
Xait: ... too easy
8) If 3 and 10 were having a 'Yo momma' contest, what would their best jokes be?
They’d both be crying because Ominous didn’t know his mom and Taro’s mom died in front of him.
9) Is 5 or 4 a better figure skater?
Celena: What’s figure skating?
Lilia: I think it’s when some people can accidently get killed and lose limbs
Celena: Oh
10) What does 2 have to say about that?
Hybrid: *slaps forehead* Idiots...
11) 9 became a necromancer overnight! Who do they resurrect?
Ji: I thought I was a necromancer... oh wait... no I’m a medium
12) What would each of their names be if they were to become the opposite gender?
Xait - Axi
Hybrid - Bella
Ominous - Mary
Lilia - Lucifer
Celena - Cain
Gao - Mai
Sai - Isa
Dai - Dee
Ji - Jay
Taro - Alice
13) What animals would each of them be?
Xait - Siberian husky
Hybrid - Bat
Ominous - Rottweiler
Lilia - Puma
Celena - Wolf
Gao - Shiba inu
Sai - Persian cat
Dai - Rat
Ji - Siamese cat
Taro - Black widow or wolf
14) 2 is having a dinner party and asks 3 and 5 to run to the store to get the ingredients. Do they fuck this one up too?
Celena & Ominous: o_O Hybrid’s having a party?!
15) It turns out that 2 poisoned all the guests with arsenic! Who did he/she invite?
Hybrid: Sh! Don’t tell! I want Jack, Lock, Shock, and Barrel to suffer even though it might not do much!
16) Which of the guests would 9 bring back to life with their necromancy?
Ji: ... They’re already dead anyway
17) Would 4 snort a Ramen noodle then hock it up out their mouth and floss their nasal cavity with it? What does 10 think of this?
Lilia: Taro, you ain’t getting me to do that
Taro: Aw! I thought that trick would be cool...
18) 1 is hitchhiking to China and 2 stops to pick he/she up. 3 meets up with them at a gas station and they are all struck with a radioactive comet. They all get superpowers and vow to save the world from evil! Shortly after this, 4 begins a plot to take all the tea in China with his/her henchmen/women, 5 and 6. 1, 2, and 3 break into their fortress of DOOM to stop the plot. 7 enters the fray, having been struck by a similar comet, only his/her only power is to morph into a lethargic koala bear. 8 and 9 were having sex the whole time and missed it. What's 10's favorite TV show?
Taro: I like Barney <3
19) On a scale of 1 to 10, how irritating was that last question?
I got lost on the whole thing when it came up to the sex point... Because Ji wouldn’t do that with him -_- especially since Dai’s possibly gay
20) This quiz is over, but the journey continues as all 10 ride off into the sunset. Who pushes who off of their horse as the screen fades to black?
Hybrid wasn’t even riding on a horse but freaks the horses out with his wings and they tip over. Taro’s busy riding on Hybrid’s back going “YEAH!” though