Monday - Either way...


I'm writing poems again... Not in the same book as my song lyrics were, but a new one is just as good. I've also almost finished the coloring of the Easter pic and have other things to work on... Dad also just told me something I did not know until a few minutes ago... My family basically used to be rednecks o_O ... not that anything's wrong with that, but... that was just out of the blue...

Algebra: Auctioneers- Today in algebra, some preps were in the corner of the room and working together on a worksheet... But they were shouting out numbers randomly and everyone could hear them... "20! No, 7! 18! x! No, 3! 3 and 7!" XD our algebra teacher said they sounded like auctioneers...

History: Undead vs Living: At first, Joce and I were talking about how Tobi was calling us her mothers (XD don't ask... Tobi started doing that and she calls 8 other people different versions of the word "mother" at school). Joce said she divorced the other mothers and that was the reason they were Tobi's mothers. But I said, I was the only one that divorced her XD. After that, the living vs dead/undead discussion. Joce said I was on her side because we were both already dead while Amber was on the living side... We won >:3
Undead: I
Living: 0

Reading: Werewolf Issues- We watched Anne Frank today, but Amber asked me something out of the blue:
Amber: Are you a werewolf?
Me: What? Not that I know
Amber: Did you get bitten by a wolf-like creature/half-wolf dog?
Me: Yes... when I was 10
Amber: Any weird symptoms after that?
Me: If you define weird as: my skin feeling itchy more than it did before, wanting to chew on a lot of things more than I used to, my teeth feeling like they're trying to escape my gums, and my temper getting really bad
Then she gave me this look: oO and backed away...

Oh, by the way, I decided to reply to Keith's mail after all, but this is what I sent to him:

Don't bother to reply after you get this.
Don't even bother trying to contact me, which, I KNOW you won't do because to you, I'm a STUPID, PATHETIC EMO that YOU'RE TAKING PITY ON. Go tell your FRIENDS you DUMPED THE DEAD WEIGHT and decided you did NEED to give an EMO PITY. AND GO AHEAD AND TELL THEM OF THIS POEM THAT I WROTE! IT'LL ONLY SHOW HOW MORE I COULD BE RIGHT ABOUT YOU.

Wounds Dug down deep
Promises you didn't keep
The memories that I knew of,
Only shattered illusions of lies
Lies that never stop
And sorrow
I'm a fool to fall for them
Fool me once, shame on me
Fool me more, I'm to blame
The more I fall for what you say,
Not only gives me pain,
But gives me shame

You pull everthing back
You give me your hand to take
Only for you to pull it away,
Causing me to fall into the abyss
Of the lies again
A shed tear
A clenched fist
A broken mirror
My blood falls to the floor,
Knife deep in my chest
No more hell
No more

Your lies
Your deception
Now it ends
After your last betrayal,
The more you wanted me to fade
Wanting me to disappear
For your gain
It all ends here
I will fade
And so will you
Our memories, merely dreams
Now faded
Not like you care
I stopped existing to you long ago
No turning back
No being dragged back in
Betrayal hurts
And you know the feeling now
Say nothing to me
And leave me alone...
This is now my final good bye
