Monday - Keith's new nickname (Douchebag)

XD I'm officially calling my enemy Keith a douchebag instead of an asshole... I wanna hurt him so badly... I want to take a tranquilizer dart, shoot it at him, tie him up, stab him with daggers, beat him with a pinata stick, and then use a move that can rip his heart out (and yes, there is actually a fighting type move that can rip someone's heart out I believe it's called the "Yin Technique" ... I actually know it too...)

Oh, and in other news: I'm officially stereotyped as a werewolf by what all my friends say... So... we have a vampire, a werewolf, a hybrid, and a human that hangs around potential biters of her and a Mexican XD (she said that too).

:D I also threatened to kick my friend Avery in the balls. XD he deserves it too. Here's what happened (and this news is all from band because this was the only interesting class today):

Tobi, Julio, and I were having a paper-war AKA throwing paper wads at each other repeatedly until Avery, for some reason comes over and scares the crap outta Tobi. Then he joins in with that and we make fun of the wonder twins again (because I mean seriously, how can they win against evil if one turns into an animal and the other turns into a friggin bucket of water?!) after Avery keeps saying this perverted crap. Then all of us have to leave and we go back to the room... well... -_- he touched Tobi's butt. She felt violated and he said it was an accident but I called him a pervert anyway. And then in the room we were still going over that and then I finally say "Do you want me to ki- *glares and lifts my leg and foot to his waist-level* Do you want me to kick you?" Then he did this: O_O covered himself down there and backed away... He was smart to do that too... He knows I would've done it too (then again, my temper was worse back in elementary then in middle)
