Tuesday - Events

Sorry... forgot to write about yesterday... But yesterday, I fell down on the gym floor in front of everyone and I skinned up my right knee to the point of where it was bleeding -_-' we were doing the "grapevine" and I tripped over my left leg. >_> Bad leg... I'm basically a crip for the time being from what Tobi said...

And Brett appearently broke up with his girlfriend >> cause he and Angel are going out now... And we walked around a bit in our town away from school. Tobi called her mom at her house and said "I can see your house" XD... her mom could see us though ._.

We walked by a few trees, that I forget their names but are imported from China and were planted into a corner yard, that smelled like crap :D yay! *shot*

It also rained today so we had to go into the museum, we were going into later, for shelter... nothing had really changed since last time I had visited... Oh, and while it was raining, I'm wearing a white t-shirt -.-' so... I have a feeling people saw my bra...

I gotta finish some drawings >>
