sup delitor here this is my own personal space part blog part reveiw board and part char. and song of the week YA-HA
plese tell me if you want request i'll be happy to oblige so until then you people from deviantart would know me as delitor
1.o.k. im christian and i dont think many other members of this site are so.....well hey im me
2. i have morals and am esely confused as in oblivios,so you may need to point out the bvios to me
3. befor you ask yes i have an utter didain for yaoi (blame my cousins)
4. and yes im takeing requests right now
nothing eventfull in my life lately its times like this when you sympathise with orochimaru and want a wind to turn the pinwheel, in naruto manga noose, my favorite charictor died, and im most liekly gonna make a comic with pein getting the crap beat outa him by difrent anime charictors, its a rainy saturday, and i just need a hug

im thinking of useing this as a ref and drwing the pic, the prob is ive never used videogame graphics as a ref. this aint gonna be pretty
yup i a nut case i cant even get into an arguement with my worst enemy today AND I TRIED!, school went off without a hitch health class was easy as always, im reading breaking dawn and bella got nocked up and she is being eaten inside out, this book of the series is inapropriate for ages belwow 13 i would say, yikes well back to life and out of fiction shall we, i lost my cellphone befor schooltoday and found it an hour ago, bad thing is it was set on vibrate but thats a good thing too, if my parents had answered it when aleshia and gabs called i would have died, that sounded girly WTF ive been talking girls for a week hm,..........(cheeks to see if hes straight) yup iim striaght XD chior at my school is awsome, GET 8 DUDES SINGING I KISSED A GIRL AND THE 49 GIRLS JOIN IN!
my idea. and i am working on my new years resolution, and it aint workin well egh. I MEAN COME ON AM I THAT ABONOXIOS OR JUST UNAPEALING TO GIRLS WTF?! the oly girls i hug at my school are monica "bi and i asked her out right befor school got out, and my freind hana (no chance for me shes on the other side of the fence ALL the way) egh oh well time to be posititve, at least i dont have to take baby think it over home from school, till next nine weeks 

well, lately i have been in a kind of,well i dont know what to call it, off my groove? anyway all my morals, all my standards that are normaly set in stone have withered away into sand, EGH! whatts goin on, im doubting myself, im reading things and watching shows i normaly dont watch, i dont kinow if this is because of my disdain for the 25th of december or what, BUT SHESH IM GOIN CRAZY!
ive been reading loveless, watching decendants of darkness, reading twilight( that last one is kinda normal for me though) and for pittys sake WTF!, im saying things out of charictor, im undesided on things that were no-brainers befor EGH! someone tell me what they think is the causea this, stress from school? december 25th? GRIMLANS!? EGH!
if i start watching or reading gravitation i want my freinds to give me a bloody lip!