
I furiously threw my empty pokeballs in my bag. My misdreavious, Missy, floated beside me. Throwing some other supplies in my bag, I stormed down the steps, Missy floating after me. "I'M LEAVING!" I screamed to my parents. "I'm not going to put up with this 'no choice' and 'chosen' crap!" I yelled. My parents just watched.

"Do what you want!" Called my dad. "They'll find you one day!"

"Save it!" I called back. I was going to challenge the pokemon league, and become a champion! I wasn't going to let anybody tell me my life was already planned. I was leaving for good, and there was no going back. In order for them to get me to do anything they say, they would have to drag me kicking and screaming.

"Let's go, Missy!" I said. Now that I had left that house, I felt a lot better.

~Zoey and Missy
