Naked People Scare Me...

So, i drew a naked lady for the first time today
i was just sittin infront of my easle and than WHAM
naked lady on a podium

and first it was just like
morbidly awkward
but than..after a while, you just sorta get numb to the fact that someones naked.

still...i wish she didnt keep doing lunges....that was a tad odd...
and um
oh yeah
my teacher says everything weird
and he like mumbles the end of all his sentances
so its like i have no clue what he says half the time

and i dont think he understands personal space...he was like, right on me when he was showing me how to sharpen my charcoal

and i really hope thats just how he is and its not just me that he enjoys like standing reallymuchtoocloseto

im pretty sure thats it.
oh and
it kept breaking into tiny pieces!
