the world is full of many different kinds of peoples and many different kinds of life. in all this mixed up lives chaos reigns as the major factor. this is my own interpretations of it, and hope you like it. If not, let me know why because i am a rather curious fellow and will try to think differently to see why :P


the wonder that i see
is the wonder of this grin
for it is so confusing
when you don't know
just what it means to me
for the grin can be so simple
a smile with a twist
or it can be vindictive
making seer fear
or if coming from you
making me wary
for the grin can be so cute
but with a serious teasing
or maybe a blushing or two
but whatever it is
it makes me feel glee
happily i would brave it
if a grin from thee :P


hold my hand and smile sweet one
for though the world is dark
the moon sings to us
the stars smile on high
This is a test of the world
it is difficult to bear
but don't give up
don't let in
hold my hand
feel the strength
Hold it close
If for no one else
for your friends
for your self
for me?

Becoming one of starlight

A world alive surrounds us now
while the blackness of it stays up
we look up to the stars up above
to see the lives of our past
the stars are what watched us
when we were stumbling along
barely learning to walk as kids
the stars keep us company
on the coldest of nights,
when the harsh reality closes in
they hold us close to them
making us feel like one of them
but the stars are further away
even though they may live
they sent me here you see
to keep you company now
for the stars are wonderful
that they protect our own.
so my star shining dim
take my hand and feel my light
so that later on this night
we may both be shining
as stars are meant to be

snow falling

When i was walking along the lane
a cloudy day i did disdain
but while continuing my stoll
i looked up and grinned
for it started to fall again
the flakes of the purest white
falling down upon the moonlit night
the world was it's close embrace
as snow drifted softly down
taking what was my frown
the wetness as it hits my face
is cold... yet nice to the touch
now all i ask isn't much
but will you take this walk with me
and enjoy this snow merrily :P

emotional fight

a simple smile comes to me,
from a thought of a grin
or a romantic smile
the feelings are there
but right now.. they feel bare
nothing is there to block it
nothing is there to keep it
it is only a small push
for complete and utter freedom
but... it won't relase right now
because I fear to let it out
but for now i will not pout
for even if i keep it close
a smile from me is best ^^