the world is full of many different kinds of peoples and many different kinds of life. in all this mixed up lives chaos reigns as the major factor. this is my own interpretations of it, and hope you like it. If not, let me know why because i am a rather curious fellow and will try to think differently to see why :P

my wall

the wall i once had
was thicker then any other
for this was my way of protection
no one could get in
nothing got out
all was simple you see
but that right there was wrong
it just kept me in misery
nothing made me happy
nothing filld me with glee
the fear i had was horrid
and i wished for more to life
so i broke my wall
and talk with my friends
Seek out my heart
for there is a small wall around
but only one to censor me
incase i get carried away
making a maiden blush furiously ^^

her spell

Real emotions lie within
bumbling in an ocean unseen
with confusion abound
creating waves of uncertainity
and when looking for a saving grace
amongst all the many things
the thought of one amazing spell
makes me feel all nice and well
it is different for me you see
to give up the constant mess
and give in to the smiling form
that i get when close to you


the twilight out tonight
brights out a sparkle in your eye
it is so pretty my dear
that i see your soul so clear
and of all the world's mysteries
none brought a tear to my eye so close
as the sight of you my dear ^^


A ditty is a ditty
but it isn't much more
for a true poem is expressive
a true poem is art
mine are just so goofy
or completely inane
that my poems are small
and aren't much more then a flame :P

kiss my title ?

you said you were so happy here
you said you were so glad
of all the things that matter most
is you here with me,
wishing for eternity
with our arms around each other
and a smile upon thy face
this is true heavenly grace ^^