the world is full of many different kinds of peoples and many different kinds of life. in all this mixed up lives chaos reigns as the major factor. this is my own interpretations of it, and hope you like it. If not, let me know why because i am a rather curious fellow and will try to think differently to see why :P

List so far, or at least of the top of my head

It's prolly gonna be a long list, But Here is what i can at least remember at this moment, and might edit some later, But overall, gonna be a lot Orson Scott Card, read alot of his stuff enders game set, and shadow set by him ...

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Worth of Me

What good is there in a person like me?
a fool stanging at 6'3,
a wondering mind without a home
the host of a power uncontrolled
spacing far and wide in his own world
what would someone see
while looking at someone like me?
will they see a strength of mind
a strength of the soul perhaps
I doubt it considering it's hollow
the only thing to fill it full
is a passion for others pains
to take it from others
so they may not feel it's bite
while this fool holds it tight
Is there any good in me?
a dark soul who writes poetry
the spinning of words endlessly?
But is it even a skill for me
or is it nothing but rubbish
to be tossed and set free
For the one who asks this now
would anyone even see me
And want to hold me close?

true meaning of love

when one is trying to say they love someone
they aren't doing it by simply saying the words
or by just being all cuddly and such like normally thought
it is so much more when it is true felt love
for when you truly fall for someone you love
it's a part of you that you let go to their care
something that you will never get back again
and it is what makes your soul complete
which, when you are a true couple true
they would do the same and give a piece to you
hence becoming two parts of one
and one from two souls entwined
which is impressive a feat considering
so when i told you that i loved you
i wasn't just saying it like you thought
i may not say it like you want me to
and I may not show it in ways you think
but when you are sad and lonely
I try to help you smile again
so that the hurt you feel disperses
and return the warmth of life
I don't just do it out of just a whim
i truly wish to make your smile stay
to hold your cold heart with mine
warmth flowing forth to calm your woe
I don't say this with a simple fling of heart
because i don't how to show it fully
it just comes to me with a hope and prayer
that you will protect my soul with yours
as i do the same for you.
so when i say i love you my dear,
do you truly know what i mean?

will you be true?

when you are looking up into the sky
wonderng if the person you seek is too
what would you do
if you realize that no matter the cost
you wish to be with that person as well
that whenever you were needed
you would do your best to help
when they were sad and hurt
you would be the soothing touch
whatever was needed
you would become the cure
or do your best to be so
would you be that person
no matter what others thing of you
or what situations it put you in
will you be the one of true glee
holding hands with he or she?
It is all a possibility
if only you push through
then you would see
in jubilee ^^

the stage

If we are nothing but actors
And the world our very stage
Does that mean that what we do matters
Or will it all just be as it was written
In the very sands of time
Will we all have choices to do
Many would say yes,
But what if htat is the illusion
That we do make choices or not
Whether the hero of the show,
Or the being of chaos we may be
Will we even be big or small
Do we even see this as that.
My thoughts on this are different
We may all be actors, no matter how you see
But what we choose to do matters
For even if we are on a stage,
Entertaining gods, or demons,
Or as pawns on a game they use us
Our will is what makes us matter
So as a fellow actor some with me
Let us take a stand on this stage
And become what we are to be
Let us choose our destiny and be free.