the world is full of many different kinds of peoples and many different kinds of life. in all this mixed up lives chaos reigns as the major factor. this is my own interpretations of it, and hope you like it. If not, let me know why because i am a rather curious fellow and will try to think differently to see why :P


If the heart is the true beauty
And the mind just sees the heart
Then is the whole picture real
Or is there so many different ways
That one could see true beauty
For the heart is the center of yourself
The one true piece that never fades
And while you hold close to it
It will never fall to others
It is you, yourself and only
So when you show it ot others
Letting them who you really are
Do they see the beauty there,
Or will they let it go away,
Seeking something else instead
My only thought is this though
For beauty is how you see the person
And while seeing the hearts of others
My one true wish is simple,
But it seems rather unique
That while showing my beauty here
Someone else would see it true
Hold it close to their own heart
And make it part of theirs.
I wish for one mine and heart
Forever together and never apart
Always ^^

live for the times

How in the world does one look up
With all the beauty of the nightly sky
And forget that we are nothing major
Yes we might be what rules the food chain
But if we didn’t have this brain of ours
Would we even think of such things
Or rather just stare up at the beauty
Wondering what will come along to us
Each day or night it will always come
But will it end one day, just simply vanish
Or simply just resume recyled day
Just different time, different place
Will the cycle influence those who see
That no matter what we accomplish here
Trying hard to be the masters of our life
Holding down what control we can
That nothing will matter in a hundred years,
Let alone if we go on to millennia, or eons
These times that we have are for us this day
And while some may see that this means nothingness
That it is true that what we do will become nothing
It doesn’t mean that it is nothing now,
So thrive on your wishes and dreams
Splash across the worlds that you see
If they be real or fantasy
They are still yours to command.
That is what life is all about
Even if one day we will become dust,
We still will have been here,
And we will have lived through our lives

look up

Look up to the stars this night
And see the wonder of it all
See the galaxies and nebulas
The blacked holes of space
Each place similar,
Yet so different in reality
The real thing that makes me ponder
that in all this vast wonder,
is there someone out there,
staring directly back at me
will they wonder as I do.
If the stars are home to others
Are they smarter then us,
Or are they primitive and crude
Beauteous to behold,

heavenly hosts

long ago there was a war
between the holy messengers
and the fallen hosts of hell
this plane was the battle field
and we as innocent bystanders
seeing conflicts arise daily
but with angelic magycs weaved
our memories were lost in time
while the tryst came to a prime
the fallen were gaining ins strength
when a rush came to the field
a chosen being of dark descent
but pure of heart and cause
ended the war of the heavens
that destroyed the old world
of what was once our home

Day of Love

the spring of your step comes to me
while the twin songs flow forth
for each day that we swing this dance
we embrace in our romance
for this is the day of days
where our love springs forth this night
and in matrimony we bind our souls
in eternal folds of glee
oh jubilee, and such happy times
the day brought forth from our rythmes ^^