the world is full of many different kinds of peoples and many different kinds of life. in all this mixed up lives chaos reigns as the major factor. this is my own interpretations of it, and hope you like it. If not, let me know why because i am a rather curious fellow and will try to think differently to see why :P

inner demon of mine

what is it that makes me so distraught today
whether i wondering it or not
the feeling is there in me
i wish it not to be
but i can't let it go
it comes from my memories
from days long lost to me
but still inside of my heart
days when i knew happiness
when i knew what true pain was
the nights i would lose myself
in dreams and nightmares i remember not
but i know they came to me
for each day i would wake,
and feel the raw emotions
each day back then i feared this
for emotions have run amock
causing me pains i never knew
but... as i have grown it's gotten less
though the struggle is there,
the distraught mindset will truly never leave
i have learned to cope with it.
it's become, well a part of me,
and it will be a constant fight
but i will live it through
days of misery
nights of pain,
it's part of who i am
along with my hope.

Battle of life

throught the years since i was a teen
a battle has been raging on within
no matter the price, no matter the struggle
it will never end until my own end comes
but this battle is something that i much continue
for it is part of who i am you see
each day that passes i get stronger
even through the losses that i received
even through the pains that i have felt
i know that i much continue on.
for i have seen death stare at me
i have felt his hold on my heart,
i have seen my own end before,
blood coursing out a wound
but... i can't let it happen
i won't lose to my own weakness,
nor to the pressure of the others
for this world will push on you
place obstacles that you never knew exsisted
right there in front of you
hoping that you will fall.
it is hard to not fall,
we as humans tear at each other
which leads to falls you see
but the hardest part here,
is while taking on this challenge
when you face your enemies head on
you must not lose that which is precious
that which makes you human
for if you lose that piece of you.
you will lose if you don't get it back
because even if we tear at each other.
if you lose our essense, our soul
we can't learn to help,
to hold each other close
as we build ourselves from our ashes.
we must learn to do this.
or we as mankind will burn
and return to the dust we came from.

her eyes

i wonder what i see
when i see into her eyes
it's not something idle
nor it is too complex for me
she has a spark in her eyes
that is both mysterious and kind
it speaks of mischief and of life
hinting of a deep comradery
of friendship or more
it speaks of deep talks
of a mind confusing but sweet
it speaks to me of many things
but most of all
while staring into her eyes
they speak of something more
the something that brings me here
looking even more into her eyes
My heart laid bare,
because of the look i see
brings me to my knees
no matter how i try
i can't resist
i just can't
no matter
i can't

movements of wonder ^^

we stand, waiting for some signal
then we clasp hands together
staring eye to eye
the sound goes off
and we start to move
just me and you
a slow beat comes to mind
as we listen to the rythym flow
the world sways along with us
as our little dance goes on
the wish is for it to last
but even if it does
another will come
or another after that
our movements remembered well
as we dance along this way
and enjoy each others presence
hands clasped close
the dance comes to a slow end
leaving us to stand again
staring shyly back at each other
wondering the same thing
will we continue along
or sit it out and giggle like fools?

The falling rain advent

The wet rain falls as we race along
The world surrounding us embraces our light
All the while as we continue the chase
The only thought that comes to me
Is never let this bliss end please

Will it stay this way for us
No matter the issues we find
Would we be able to keep this race
So that we may love forever more
And make the world green
For seeing our great embrace

Can we keep it up
when hte rain is gone and dry
the leaves long lost and regrown
Will we always keep this memory?
If only we would keep it by
forever more ^^