the world is full of many different kinds of peoples and many different kinds of life. in all this mixed up lives chaos reigns as the major factor. this is my own interpretations of it, and hope you like it. If not, let me know why because i am a rather curious fellow and will try to think differently to see why :P

bloodshot eyes

the night was dark,
the world was chaos
the sleep just wouldn't come
no matter what i tried to do
i just keep seeing it still
the one thing that mattered most
what i wish would stay with me
but will never come again
nothing can bring it back
so please, don't hold me here
i can't stand it any more
make it stop

lst me go damn it

why won't you leave

what is it that holds you here
you know i don't fear you
i don't love or hate you
i lost all feeling to what you were
now it's just hollow
numb inside
but you still haunt me
keeping me awake at night
leaving me in this dark state
with bloodshot eyes =.=

happy time

the day was bright
the world was great
the trees swayed close
as we sat together close
a date of our time and life
set upon the stone of time
we follow the rythym we live
you close to me
i to thee
together a dance set by
the beat of hte world around
the sun sets the mood
the trees our musical treat
but what makes me smile
without a doubt in my life
is the smile i see from you
no matter what happens later
these are our happy times
and i wish to stay here now
no matter the fight of fate
or battle of deaths gate
i wish to stay no matter what
in the happy times we have ^^


there is something i am needing
a burning i fear yet yearn for
a desire that will help calm me
i need assurance
i need something to say
that no matter what i do
i will have the support of friends
of someone that will say
you are doing well
you are ok
don't fret so much
don't fear your mistakes
stumble through your muddles
step proundly with your head high
And do what you must

My life needs assurance
and i wish for it so
if it was so easy for me
then maybe i would be free
but caged i stay here
in a chaos of fear
inside my own mind of mine
so if you can
give me my assurance

strength or weak

When i look within
i see things that i don't like
the heart is dark
the mind is bleak
the only thing that shines
is a single hope of mine
but the light is there
and i would compare
but nothing is able to
the light is my emotions
an event that strikes true
but hurts even then
the darkness is always there
to make me lose my sight
of what matters most
how can you fight it so?
I feel weak sometimes
when dealing with this
am i weak? or strong?

lost muse

my inspiration is lost
the world has lost it's charm
if there was warmth to it
i lost sight of it for now
but oh how can i find it
my muse is astray
and my heart is not here
it is lost it's true value
so what can i do?
tell me true
will you?