
So today in 3rd hour my friend was calling me a meany and a liar......A miar. Then I said I wasn't and she said that I was a my-nohr. And I replied "What's a minor?" After I said it I was like "ohhhhhh." I'm an idiot. XP


Yusei: Jack.

Jack: Yusei!!!

Yusei: I came.

Jack: What?!!

Yusei: To the city.

Jack: Oh.

Yusei: To tell you.....Card games on motorcycles.

Jack: Card Games on motorcycles?!!

Yusei: Card Games on motorcycles.

Jack: Card games on motorcycles!!!!!!!

Random Song

I've got a lovely bunch of dragon balls. Do do do do. Here they are all sitting in a bunch. Do do do. One star, two star all as big as my head. Give them a toss a planet across. That's how Vegeta wins. Buh-bye.


Fear my monocle attack!!!!


Random Waitress: What can I do for you gentleman today?

Itachi: Do you have any evil tea?

Randome Waitress: Why yes, yes we do.


Kisame: Ner ner.