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Sorry i haven't been on in a while guys. I was in Las Vegas for a week with no wifi so i couldn't do anything with the internet what so ever. But Las Vegas was so freaking fun. I went to a mid evil dinner theater and i had to eat with my hands, there was jousting and sword fighting, it was really fun to watch. Since i'm not old enough to gamble my parents took me to a giant arcade to play in while they gambled and did other stuff. I won 5 stuffed animals from the arcade, a snake, cow, lobster, monkey, and a big stuffed bear which i gave to a little girl who looked liked she really wanted it, plus it was so big i couldn't bring it on the plane anyway. I went to a magic show, and i must be stupid because i couldn't figure out a single trick. The guy doing the magic show was also a comedian, he was actually pretty funny. What was funny was that any time me and my family went outside we seen people in costumes asking for money, i seen Woody, Bumble bee, Gene simmons, Cookie monster, Elmo, Hello kitty, like 10 Spider mans they were everywhere.
After Las Vegas my friend spent the night for like 4 days and we derped around the whole time. Then we both went to another friends house and derped there. We swam in her pool for a couple hours, they both got sunburns i didn't. We watched Ghost adventures at midnight and scared ourselves shitless. Then we played super smash bros brawl.
Also about right after I came back from Las Vegas i went to game stop and bought the new animal crossing game for the 3ds. I've been playing it nonstop since i bought it, about 5 to 6 hours a day of playing. I can't believe i've played it so much already. So if i'm not on here a lot it's because i'm playing too much animal crossing.
