Dead, alive, and dead again


I hadn't expected the drive to go so wrong! Well of course, it's Maine we're talking about, but that night, even though it was only October, the streets were sheets of ice.

The tires screeched and I barely covered my ears from the sound when I saw the pole, a telephone pole, hard and frozen.


I hurt all over, especially my head. I looked at my hand, the bones in the back of it were snapped and sticking out and it was sticky and red. Trying to breathe I heard another sharp snap and gasped, only making the pain worse.

My ribs were broken, my hand was snapped nearly in half and I was bleeding heavily from the right side of my head. That's all I had time to think, I couldn't breathe, the edges of my vision were going black, but I could faintly hear someone screaming my name, softer and softer till everything disappeared.

"Saki! Saki come back!" It was fuzzy, my living room, and my mom in front of me. But my body felt like metal, I looked down. A metal skeleton. No hands either, just long sharp spikes.

A voice off to my left said, almost happily "Now my dear Saki, you're my puppet to control. Kill your mother and take her body."

I was shocked. Kill her? There was no way, but the skeleton moved on its own. I screamed at her to run, get away, then saw my little sister, her aqua eyes wide with fright and slightly red from crying.


Without any resistance from me, for I couldn't do anything, the skeleton lunged forwards. A soft thump on the carpet, turning red with my mother's blood.

I had killed her. The man behind me laughed cheerfully "Well done my dear, well done." And again I couldn't move.

I saw a flash of green light, a young man with pure white hair and a strange arm hugged me. "This will hurt, but I promise it'll be ok." he whispered. It did hurt, I burned like fire, but only for a few seconds.

Then the room was gone, replaced by blackness. Utter blackness that swallowed everything.

Then light. And a nice looking woman standing in front of me, smiling. I looked down at myself, no blood, no skeleton. Back up at the woman, who seemed to be waiting for me.

"You are Saki Boric, correct?" I nodded slowly. She smiled again, warm and comforting, it made me want to cry.

Black, again. What was it with death and blackness?! I blinked my eyes open slowly. Someone crying very loudly, or at least to me it was loud, got my attention.

I looked over at the girl. My eyes teared up to as I remembered my sister. Then I twitched and looked around the room quickly, not even noticing the strange appearances of some of the people in it.

No, she wasn't here. My mother must have gone somewhere else. I looked down at my lap, light purple hair falling around my face.

Wait- light purple? My hair was yellow and red at the tips! And my pants, I never wore dark ones like I had on now, only bright greens. No boots or leafy sweatshirt either! I narrowed my eyes, and ears flattened against my head.

No way. I reached up and pinched one of the soft cat ears that I had now. Cat ears usually went along with having a tail, right? I looked behind me, and, there it was, a fluffy, silvery tail.

After some of the introductions went by, I realized that some of them must have been hiding their real names, you normally don't stutter when introducing yourself. And we were all dead anyway, so what did it matter? Two were jerks about it, being completely rude in their introductions. One seemed like he had conflicting feelings about being there, or maybe just a split personality.

After he went I sat up a little straighter, my tail swishing back and forth nervously and my ears tilted back. "I'm Saki" I said, trying to sound happy, "I guess it's nice to be here, some of you sound nice"

I looked pointedly at "Akuma", the name made me sad again, that's what I had almost become, an akuma; and Yoru. Letting them both know I didn't like their attitudes towards the others. Although being a cat girl, I doubted that I seemed like much of a threat. That almost irritated me.

:D ah, ok? Saki tries to be nice to everyone, and doesn't really like people who aren't...

Kitteh!!!! *wants to hug Saki's tail* >.>;;
