Tag, and Now YOU'RE It.


Stupid! Stupid, stupid! I was just thanking you! I glared at Yoru's back as we kept moving. And why was the puppy so attached to that stupid guy any way! I mumbled to myself as we kept walking.

I wondered how much longer this was going to go on anyway.. I flinched as I heard another explosion. This one was followed by laughter. Why was I dragged into this thing anyway! Everyone here was crazy.. I kept glaring at Yoru, but he seemed too entertained with the puppy who kept running and retrieving the stick that Yoru threw for him. I didn't get it. The puppy must be human, right? So, why would it act like a actual dog..

Stopping suddenly, I looked up and saw the puppy had stopped in front of the stick and growled. It kept looking around, but I couldn't figure out why.. But I found out soon enough.

The ticking noise started. Looking around quickly, we tried to figure out who had the bomb this time. "Aw sh*t," I turned to see Ellie muttering to herself as she stared down at her hand.

But.. I hadn't seen anyone, so who tagged her? Ellie looked around before taking off to try and find someone to tag and get the timer off her hand. "H-hey!" I ran after her, I mean, we were a group, right? So we needed to try and stay together..


I growled and tried to follow the scent. But I couldn't see anything. I hated having these dog eyes. Sure, I could hear a lot better, but everything looked so different. I blinked and tried to clear my eyes as I ran back to Yoru and whined.

He bent down and patted my head, "Whats wrong, puppy?" I barked and continued to whine. I wish he could understand me god d*mn it! I kept barking trying to get my point across that SOMEONE was here.

I heard a sound and whipped my head around and stared in the direction. Growling, I charged in that direction, but nothing seemed to be there. It didn't take me long to figure it out from there. This person was invisible.

Taking a step forward, I felt a sting on my nose and steeped back as a small cut started to bleed. My ears twitched as I finally heard some voices.

"Sure are stupid, aren't they?"

"I agree, and I'm totally bored with this game."

Other people seemed to have heard them too, it wasn't like they were trying to keep quiet. From the sound of it, they were by the tree. I ran at them, but as I ran, small cuts covered my body and slowed me down.

"The dog is the most stupid."

"Is that a dog? It doesn't look like one."

"Yeah, it's one of those, shoe somethings...."

I growled annoyed not being able to see them. So, they covered this place with thin wire. I licked the blood on my paw. And apparently they could cut you too.




So, how will they find the two invisible things? Randomly attack? Well, they're probably smarter than that to just stay in one spot...
