

I sighed and looked around. Being with so many people made me nervous. When the fight broke out I looked on with some mild interest. Too bad Auntie broke it up. I saw Train and went over to pet him. He barked happily and licked my hand. Four arms was with him too. "Good doggie." I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him. Four arms stared at me. "You know he's not really a dog right....I mean...he's a human too. He just looks like a dog here."

I glared at him. "I don't care...he doesn't talk, or get in my way, and he looks like a dog. So that's good enough for me." I smiled and went back to petting Train. "I always wanted a dog..." Someone laughed and I turned to see someone from another team. A guy who seemed to be part machine. "You are pathetic! Allowing the image of a mutt to lower your defenses! You'll be an easy target next round." I stood and calmly flipped him off. I even through in a little smile for him. "Think what you want roboman. It'll just make me laugh harder when I take you apart!" I felt a tug on my wing and looked to see four arms.

"Didn't you see what happened? Don't cause another fight, or they'll kill you too." I sighed and looked back over at robodude. He seemed ready to go, but I didn't take this chance just to blow it on some freak not worth my time. So I walked away. "Yeah that's right! Little b*tches should listen!" My tail swished in irritation,and black flames danced around my fingers. Train whined and I clenched my fists to stop the flames. I hate following rules. I did that my whole life. And I swore I would play by my rules from now on...but even dead I can't do what I want.

~eh...kinda short but whatevs. It's a post ^^
