Hi there! I figured I'd make a world for my songs, poetry, and best of all, fanfictions~ Feel free to commment, I don't mind~ Feel free to read them~ Thank you for visiting!


Finished fanfictions:

Ryoko's Revenge

The Parody of Haruhi Suzumiya

Unfinished fanfictions:

The Legend of Shaymin


M u s i c

L i f e

Why 1dev13???

All I want for Christmas is a red pen!

Rebirth of Soul

Rebirth of soul...This phrase has a very deep meaning.
Maybe you've come to realize your true self.
Maybe you've changed who you are.
Rebirth: to be born again.
We all know that we can't literally be born again, but we need to go beyond the literal definition of the word.
Maybe you were reborn because you turned away from things that harmed you.
Maybe you were reborn because you met someone who changed the way you look at the world.
Soul: What makes us...us.
Think about your soul for a minute.
Imagine if you didn't have one.
You would lose who you truely are.
You wouldn't be able to give your opinions.
The soul is you.
And you can't live without it.
Your soul helps you know the difference between good and bad, and let's you express your emotions.
Love, peace, and joy...Listen to your soul.

My Bizarre Subconscious!

Dreams are very amazing. Some will scare you, others will make you laugh. Some even make you say, "What the heck was that?" I am yet another person who has dreams that are beyond explanation....

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M u s i c

Imagine life without music.
No birds chirping...
No bees buzzing...
Everyday sounds that may irritate us would disappear.
But, what about the sound that we like?
If they disappeared too, then you would have nothing to do!
There's no escape!
Life is music!

L i f e

Life is a journey.
At times hard, other times easy.
You never know what will happen.
Sometimes you get what you want...
Other times, you get something completely unexpected.
You have your family and friends, but you have enemies as well.
You fall, you rise.
You awake and you sleep.
Through the hard times...
Through the fun times.
It's all worth it.
Life is beautiful!

Ryoko's Revenge

Author's note: Author's note: First off, I in no way, shape, or form, own The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, I am not using this to make a profit, and lastly, I wrote this for fun, for you guys! By the way, I used censorship, since that's...

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