The begining of time, the start of all life -- this is a lie, it wasn't the begining of time and people wern't alive in the start, well for all I know.. -- anime the most inportant thing in the world (that part is true) we are otaku we live for the next book, the next episode, the next newest anime fad. Thst is our life. if you can't handle it, deal with it ^^.

The Start. To the most important times of life.

This world would not live if people had not have an assortment of anime/manga it is like the sprinkles on the ice-cream. My first cartoon that I loved was Pokemon (I was 6), one day after school I was watching TV like I do usualy at 3:30pm and I saw on a show I saw first episode of pokemon 'twas very awesome (at that point my life had not considered that anime was even a thing.) when I had first come to it in my younger years of 6 and 7, at the time my brother was just getting in to middle school and getting into this thing called 'manga' that they have at the library so one day he let me read one, yet he started me off at this one called 'Sailor Moon' of corse I don't think he read much of it, just to mature for him . So I read it, it was good, and I had to read another.. and another..

When I was arround 8 I met Ashley, one of my best friends of all time, her older sister and my brother were friends in middle school. Ashley was the first friend I had who was anime-craised like me ^^, after I met her she opened me up to a new style of anime, not so much of the girly styles but thing but InuYasha and yu-gi-oh (I am still not a big fan of either, but it has widend my persepctive.)

Reaching 4th grade, I had moved and strated at a new school. The first person I talked to catherine, who is a realy good friend now. she was my relef for no one else liking anime there :O!

(the next few years I can skip, nothing but troubles and missory came)

The year of 7th grade I had been moved to a middle school in the middle of the year, as homeschool was not a good choice. I had now found my reason for the past years events, with a wider choice of 'cliques' so I found the one suiting to me, japanese loving anime-craised friends they are still my friends but I would be considered the most knowledgable (to a point)...

Now this year I am in the 8th grade and enjoying everymoment of it, plenty more to the giant table of friends, next year to my entrance of high school my freshman year I am hoping to hit it off in my group adding on to the people I know now, I was scared of change before but now I am so happy I have less then 4 months 'till I am there, I hope for you to wish me luck in my journey for new ends and hopfuly a time to remember, in these next 4 years I am going to plan a trip to go to japan and I hope I do fill my dream.

This is what I am hoping to do with my next few years, what about you? keep the anime love strong ^^

~Digon, in hope of an awesome future

(P.S. I like going off topic sometimes its who I am ;P)
