
Full name: 安滕 大助 (Andou/Kondo Daisuke)
Nicknames: Die, Dai, Dai-suki
In the band, he is a guitarist

Date of birth: 12.20,1974. (Mie)
Astrological sign: Sagittarius
Zodiac sign: Tiger
Blood type: B
Height: 178cm / 5'10"
Weight: 61 kg
Clothes' size: L
Shoe size: 41 (8)
Favourite cigarette brand: Salm Light
Favourite sport: soccer, baseball
Favourite music: Sakai Noriko, Hide
His former bands: ka・za・ri ® La:Sadie's

Personality: sincere and honest ... and impudent, because he likes to tease people
He sees himself as a hard-working, sincere, honest person
Likes: cheese, sake, tease Shinya
Dislikes: raw things, rain
According to him, the most important thing is life
Favourite food: tofu, potatoes, bacon, cheese omlett, milk, cheese, spaghetti, roasted meat, okonomiyaki,

pastries etc...
Food that he detests: seafood, thorny animals, raw foods
He likes to get: cigarettes
He likes not to get: raw things, candy

Fun facts: He has 4 sisters. His breast is especially ticklish. He is near-sighted, he wears contactlenses. He is the most serene and easy-going member.
Die was disgusted of some Chinese food served on their tour once, he was not impressed with the chicken-head soup. He was not able to look at it! Kyo and Toshiya on the other hand, thought it cool and Toshiya was playing with a head!
There was a fire in Die's apartment once. He tried to smother it with a fire extinguisher, but he just succeeded spraying the foam all around his feet and then he ran outside. He said: "That was so uncool!".

Altough Die is the second guitarist in the group, he is no less talented than our leader-sama, Kaoru. By the way, he is pretty amazing guitarist, the way he and Kaoru play together makes really gorgeous music. For some of their songs - especially in older ones like "Ash" and "Zan" - Die even sings backup vocals; he has a lovely, definite but soft voice. During concerts, Die is just like any other guitarist: he struts accross the stage to pump the crowd up, or just stands beside Kyo while he is singing. His idol is Takigawa Ichiro, the guitarist of Craze.

He is the most talkative member of the band, also extremely playful, and quite a joker, too: he likes to tease the others especially Shinya, together with Kaoru. On the video taken in Osaka-Jou Hall, Toshiya pushed Shinya to the ground, and pounced on top of him, while Die covered them with feathers. So, he can make the others laugh almost any time.

Die's real name is Daisuke, and the nickname for it is Dai. Some say that he changed the spelling of it to that of the English word "die", aiming to a more serious aspect. So Die is to be pronounced as "dai", not "di-eh".

He is very proud of his mane which he had grown since high-school. It is almost dyed in red, often use to defy the laws of gravity - sticking upwards in all directions - making for a punkish hairstyle. But nowadays he wears his hair short and dark chestnut-coloured, also he uses less hair-styler. Die confesses: if someone state that he looks awful, he takes it as a compliment ^_^.

After some of his fans complained that he was too fat - Die supposedly had eating and weight problems, because he took their ramblings to his heart, and became heavily underweighted.

When Dir en grey was still dressing up in Visual Kei style, Die was quite extreme when it came to his looks and fashion; though his makeup was not always as daub-like as Kyo's. He was almost always leather-clad with lots of silver accessories - he always looked like a tough J-Rocker.

Even though his music and scary outfits give off a hardcore attitude, Die is an extremely sweet and caring person. He has a kid hidden in himself, the way he seems to always be up to something.
