28 December, 2008 - current.
"Love is only a word; it's how you prove it's worth that means everything."
- Yours truly.

Geek (gēk) n. A person regarded as foolish, inept, or clumsy.
Danielle Joy Djayy. I don't like my real name :L It's a handful to write, and I'm rather lazy tbh. (; I'm sixteen years old; [7 September, '94]. I'm Asian ;') and I get good grades in school, because I care about what I'm doing with my life. I long to live in England with Jack one day. :')
Some call me a bitch. Others call me brutally honest. Your pick ;') I'm great with meeting new people. :') and I can keep a good conversation going. I get along better with guys more than girls, but that's just me. I tend to fall for guys easily. It may seem like I'm flirting, but that's just my personality breaking through. ;') Apparently, I give good advice. People are always asking me for it. I love being a help <3
Yes, I do talk like an educated person, because I AM an educated person. Thanks. I love video games. (; I'm a huge nerd. PSN name = zombiexcore (; I'm left handed, so therefore I tend to use the more creative side of my brain. The definition of the word "geek" up there fits perfectly. (;
I like designing with GIMP, which is quite similar to Photoshop only free. xD I'm quite good with it. Not to brag, but yeah. I write many stories; you should check them out in my other world. ;')
I love meeting new people! PLEASE speak to me; I'll make knowing me worth your time. :')
Dear Djayy.
Hallo. My name is Jack.
I am rather blonde ginger, and I loves you.
I don't know what I'd be like without you.
You are frankly a huge part of my life.
And I am extremely looking forward to our summer next year.
I would love to do everything we planned on MSN earlier. :L
A month with you sounds so perfect.
I can't think of how else I want to spend it.
You are incredibly beautiful. <<3
I love you.
So much.
Yours sincerely,
Nick. 15 February 1990 - 28 May 2008
Hunter. 21 March 1992 - 22 May 2009.
Troy. [dates still needed fill me in!]
Adam. 4 January 1993 - 29 June 2009
That no matter how good things seem, down the road,
something bad will always happen.
I think that I am done. I've tried going down
the road that I never wanted to see again: love.
It makes you think that everything is going
your way, and nothing can screw it up, but in
the end, it stabs you in the back, when things
go bad.
I'm tired of being stupid and not seeing the obvious.
I don't like falling in love. I've been watching the
progression of someone I love fall in love with someone
else. I've watched him sadly because of it, knowing
that if the new one he likes doesn't like her back,
then she clearly isn't good enough for him. Wasted
tears that could've been cried for something else.
But whatever. That's why I haven't been around in awhile.
I don't really have anything to say, plus it sucks seeing
certain updates from certain people. It hurts me to see .
Nicki knows. God, she's such a dear friend. I don't know
what I would do without her now. All she does is listen to
me complaining about a certain someone. No, she won't tell
you. I mean, I trust her not to tell you... I hope she won't.
But yeah. I'm going to church. Today's my father's birthday,
and we have to go to church so we don't have to go tomorrow.
We're having a party for him and my niece [though her birthday
is in like, October]. They're celebrating it together, which
I in fact think is really cute. :3 I get to see loads of my
family which I haven't seen in ages, and some friends that
I was allowed to invite. xD Even though they're coming for
me and not my dad or niece. My mum is nagging me to get off.
So, Nicki, can you guest post for me tomorrow? Thanks, <3
"There's not much else I can do, but fall for you..."
Kitt here! Twin asked me to
post this picture on her world.
She looks sexy huh? :D
Uh, I honestly don't have much to say.
Other than, I love my Djayy,
and if anyone hurts her,
I'll break their face. :D
I love her. :D
More than you.
But I bet less than Jack.
Or so he'll say! :D
When I twisted my ankle when I stepped off the bus onto a huge pieces of ice and sprained my ankle in the end? Well, um, about that...
I was playing soccer today with my Youth Group [this week, we did soccer before volleyball] and all was going well [after I opened up my soccer side. o.o;] And this guy Peter, who I happen to really like, happened to be the one I was blocking.

Take a guess who Peter is... and if you guess wrong, I will punch you dead center in the face. o.o;
Yeah, I was blocking him, and he got around me, so I slid to take the ball from him, and he tripped over my ankle. Mind you, he wasn't that far from me, but it wouldn't have counted as a foul cause I didn't directly hit him myself. He tripped on my ankle though, and there was this loud crack. Well, loud to me. I don't know whether he put my ankle back into place or ruined it more, because it feels better whilst it hurts at the same time. Which is highly confusing, but totally makes sense. I don't know, don't mind that part...
Peter's such a flirt, by the way. P: It's really cuteee, ahaha. He doesn't show how adorable he gets in person, but he's such an adorable guy online... xD He says the sweetest things to me. He's going to be a junior this year [and me a sophomore o_e] But he's just hilarious. :3
I'm hella fucking sore now.
But I wasn't hurt [at the time] that bad to play volleyball after. [Plus, I managed to score a goal after my injury thing with my right foot, which is far from my dominant.] But he kept checking on me to see if I was alright. And, the added fact that my coughing today sounded like I was dying, it was good to have him around. <3 Too bad I can't meet much more guys like that I would have a decent chance with... I mean, I have no luck with him. DX I just play and get screwed in the end, which is always my fault. *Le sigh*
But I'm going to sleep, cause I'm hella fucking sore. =
So... I'm making Jack post this for me. Because I can, and I'm not home at the moment. I'm in a car sending this to him from a text message. Yeah, I'm that cool.
Anyway, right now I'm on the way to Canada. Yes, again, but this time I'm goi...
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"I'm pledging myself to you. Warriors have done it for ages - pledged themselves, body, heart, and soul, to protect their High Priestesses. I know I'm just a fledging still, but I believe I qualify as Warrior already."
Hunted. James Stark. Stark. Stark Stark Stark Stark Stark!
I'm not going to lie, he's no joke been flying through my mind. [Sorry, Kitt, but I loves him too >_>]
He just comes off... so spectacular in this book... I mean, I loved him before, but now... I wish he was real. He was just. Too. Damn. Sweet. <333 Haha. I couldn't stop reading this book all last night, so I finished at like, two in the morning.
Anyway, I saw the new Harry Potter movie the other day. I loved it! And Ron... Oh Ron.. Rofl. [No, I'm not his freaky obsessed girlfriend person who only wanted to "snog" him >.>] I'm suddenly having this obsession with gingers... xD Don't think where it started from... I swear, it's not because of Jack owo. I've always had a fancy for gingers before, but now, it's just exploded like KABLAM. And now I'm all fjeak;lfjekaw over them. >_>
I wanna go see it again >_>
I went to this fair thing today with my brother, sister-in-law, and niece, and we only went for the kiddie fair. Turns out, she couldn't ride any rides cause she was too small, so we ditched that place and went to the mall instead. xD It was epic. And then after that, since we were [kind of] close, my brother took me to go see "my friend who I haven't seen since middle school". Yes, the air quotes. Why?
I met him online. xD And he was the most adorable thing alive. x333 And so was his cousin, ahah. We didn't take pictures though, cause my brother was watching. I told him there was a garage sale there -- I wasn't lying about that, I swear -- but they saw there weren't any good baby toys xD So we left.
But I'm going to go now outside and chill with my family minus my dad. He's passed out in his room. xD
Adieu <3