I don't know what to do.

So... Cody just told me he thinks he regrets what he did to me...
The whole thing with breaking up with me thing.
Cause frankly, he called me two days ago telling me what his most recent ex girlfriend did to him. I don't really know what to do, either. It's all confusing me and stuff ...

But whatever.

I saw my other friend Cody today. It was cool, since I haven't seen him in about two and a half years. :3 he got all adorable and stuff , and we definitely cuddled at the park today. I think that I know too many Codys... Ha ha. But whatever. The moment was ruined though when this kid that he knew rode up on his bike and Cody spazzed and had to go and talk to him... Haha. I swear that he was about to kiss me today though... The way that he looked at me whole we were cuddling and he was laying on me... Yeah we kind of liked each other before but we didn't bother dating cause it would be hard to see each other ha ha cause we go to different schools.

I'm making friendship bracelets with my cousin right now. So I guess that this is my post for today. Bye!~
