REMINDER: I'm nor a good person.

Blah. I hate a lot of people right now. I hate how confused guys make me.

Remember tht guy Cody that I was dating? Yeh. I hate how when he calls me it brings up bad memories.
Like how much love I put into our relationship.
How it seems like he fucked me over in the end.
How he still has the letter that i wrote him, how he say he can't throw it away cause he'll feel bad.

Really? Idk. It's just really upsetting me how he calls randomly sometimes. It just bites.

I got candy for Halloween yay.
Not much though but I still got some xD
I went with my friend whom I haven't seen in four years. She was wearing her marching band uniform as a costume, but she wa a dead marcher xD.

How was your guys'? x
