First post

Hello to everyone! I plan on having a more interesting world later on, but I don't want to make it until I think and plan a little more, so until then, I'll make this and use this so my fellow otaku can read this and see what I'm all about.
Okay! First thing, I realize a LOT of people are posting beautiful concept art and doing their awesome things here. Well, I have never been any good at art, and I didn't join here to post my own art, but I am not opposed to at least trying. I more like to look at and appreciate other people's artwork. I loooove to look at art. I especially love to look at anime art (that's one of the reasons I decided to join this page).
Next! The main reason I joined this site was to make friends! Making friends here will be easier, considering most of the people on here are fellow otaku and share at least some similar interests ^.^
Now I'll explain my "taste" in anime! I'm open to pretty much any genre, but my preference is Romantic. That's what kind of person I am, so I just get attracted to the anime with good love stories. That's not all I watch, but covers about 90% or more of it. Some of my favorite anime include: Dusk Maiden of Amnesia (all time favorite), Ef- A Tale Of Memories/Melodies, Sword Art Online, Say I Love You, Pet Girl of Sakurasou, Oreimo, Gosick, etc.
I was introduced to anime only little more than a year ago, but took a very quick liking to it and went on an anime rampage, where I watched nothing but anime, and now I've finished about fifty anime and tried about seventy in all. I've only seen like two that I haven't liked. Though semi-new to it, I can now call myself a proud otaku! ^.^
