Heyo, folks.
Well, our first D&D campaign has come to a close and was enjoyed by nearly everyone, so I figure that another campaign is in order.
This one will still run on the 3.5 system and the starting level will be five. Starting gold will be 9,000. The adventure will start on a homebrew island continent named Tamourin (people in the previous campaign will recognize it), but will probably eventually move to Faerun.
As far as the story goes, these characters will not necessarily know each other, except by reputation. They will be summoned to a central point.
Rooms for interested players to get help with character creation or to have questions answered will be open in Chat on the following dates: Saturday, January 22; Thursday, January 27; Saturday, January 29; Thursday, February 3; and Saturday, February 5. The room will be named "Adventure Time" and the password will be createme. The campaign is preliminarily scheduled to start on the week of February 7. Our play dates are going to be Saturdays-only this time around. (It's just easier.)
I will say up front that the campaign is heavily story-based. That is not to say that there will not be any combat, but character development is usually at the fore, there is typically a lot of talking, and progress can net you bonus XP. This is not the typical dungeon crawl to dungeon crawl format. Be warned. =p
If you're interested, please comment.
See you in fantasy land! :D