An Order of Business That Needs Attended To...

ok so... since there is no technology department yet.. i have to ask any one who is good with technology... to build a musical blender... yupp thats right... we have need of a musical blender.... dont ask why, just do it... haha, truth is i just want a musical blender... OOO!!!! IT COULD PLAY THE THEME SONG... (whenever it gets picked)... WOOTNESS I FIGURED OUT A REASONABLE IDEA TO HAVE A MUSICAL BLENDER XD..
ahem... any way... thats on the check list along with sombrero wearing zombies, research on turning someone into a giant brainless slug, and turning live into a chiuaua-sardine-neko thing... i have the feeling that im forgetting something... but oh well...

i also have a desire for curly fries.. but since im no where near any one right now.. that can be taken care of later....
