
I suppose this is where I should introduce myself. The fact is, there isn't much about me. ^^;

I came on this site to partake in sharing pictures I have drawn (Though I'm not doing a very good job seeing as how I keep forgetting) and recommend and be recommended wonderful shows/books.

Thank you for visiting!

Requests Open/ Update/ Ideas

Hello everyone!
I've been gone for a while...A month or so now? I haven't been doing much, just playing games and reading, etc. I've been spending more time with Kit, practicing my writing and so on, it's been very nice.
I got out of school on the 18th, actually was able to get out on the 15th, and have been relaxing.
Unfortunatly, I haven't scanned any of my pictures from Art, and I have no new ones....
This is where the 'Requests Open' section comes in! If anyone wants a request (Up to ten at the most for now) I'll draw it and try to upload it ASAP. I won't make it all shoddy either. So....hit me up for requests!

Another section! 'Ideas'. You know the 'Your Face Here' picture I did? And how I thought about making it a series? What if I make that a community project or something? Have otaku's send in comments and etc. of ideas and/or people they've wished they could be. Not actual people from shows and such, just the type of people theyve wished they could be. I think it would be neat to try...

Anyway, its hard to type on a 3ds, ending the post now. X)



Life is getting better, no one think twice about if its not.
But I did make a humanized ADP for Creative Writing class, so NOW if you guys want to read that version i wouldn't mind posting it up. (It doesn't follow the non human ADP in any way shape or form so..yeah)

Graphic Novel (and some Manga) Recommendations

I'm in the library close to my town, but not in my town, and I started browsing through their graphic novel section. I always found it weird that a lot of the novels are all centered in the art section under Non-Fiction, but then others are ...

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Today in art, I found something new I like to do!
Normally in art, when we have free time or I have free time, I work on my altered book or mess around with water colours (I have a few to scan up and show you guys). Today I got bored and opened up my notebook, wondering how watercolour would work in there and tried it on a few sketches.
The result was wonderful! ARGH I can't wait to show you guys!:D
Do you know what this menats? I don't have to lose all the details I cherish from my huge inking pen! I can slap watercolours and it will look amazing.


I don't think I'm going to be posting any updates on life for a while. Been having to deal with problems. I have a feeling that if pressed, I'll end up spilling my guts all over everything. I would like to avoid that. Take no offense, please. I just don't like the fact that I do that. Need to learn to keep things to myself. To learn to deal with it myself.
To let you know, everything is fine. Just some issues with life. But nothing major.