I have it every now and then, but it seems to be happening at a much faster rate now. Last night I had a bit of pain, but it seems weird to call it 'back pain', but it happens at my back. Sorta.
It's just a small pain for when I breathe a little bit deeper than a normal slow relaxing breath. Like when I'm moving around or talking, not just sitting around and thinking. But the deeper I breathe, the worse it feels.
Most of the time I would just breathe in deeply until I couldn't stand it, and it would go away. But last night that wasn't working, and I laid down for bed and tried twisting around a bit, was fun, but it didn't work. And it lasted until I fell asleep. Most of the time it's just 30 secs. :/
Happened again just now. Eeek. Took a bit for it to go away.
In othernews, everything is ok in NeverEatRoses's world! Had a few "Arghhhh" moments, but other than that, A okay!
I also was given a letter about how I was accepted in a banquet for having a high grade in my Accounting class. I'm supposed to wear something nice and look and act nice and etc. I decided I'm not going to go. For one, I don't have anything but T-shirts to wear, that all have designs of Video game characters, The Joker, and Death note (I need new shirts XD), and for two is the people that may or may not be there. Long story. :3
Other than school and video games, Spring break shall start after 11:30 on thursday. And Friday I may be able to go over to a friends house. She says that I have NOT been bothering her, and that she has enjoyed the company, and I couldn't be happier!
I've known her since 6th or 7th grade, but hardly was able to go over or spend time with her. But lately I've been able to lots! <x3 so happy~
And Art, I keep forgetting to scan things! So, my apologies, but you will have to deal with cell phone pictures. :/
Off to play on various websites~!