The Dark Vocaloid Side Of Youtube

I believed I reached it when I watched Bacterial Contamination by Miku Hatsune.
I mean, the PV(?) was really cool. Creepy...Very creepy. But cool. The song had some creepy moments as well, but it's stuck in my head. >>;
It's by the same person who made Machine Muzik, I enjoy that song, and...It's creepy. I got used to Machine Muzik.
Figured I shouldn't post it. Because it's creepy.

Anyway, I did have some art to put up, but the keyboard at my dads house is broken, and I couldn't change any of the sizes with the program I have. So, it'll be a bit before I'll have anything up.

I would try to take pictures with my phone, but when it sees paper it makes everything blurry and yellow for some reason. (Thought I fixed it but didn't. :c )

My spring break ends Thursday. I really wish it was longer...But hey, it's just Thursday and then Friday, and then a weekend! Wee! Also, friday, I get to go with Kit to her college for a 12 hour gaming fun time of happiness. :D

Oh~ And tomorrow I'm getting my hair cut. :3

Still no new anime I've seen and liked so far. Really missing my Petshop of Horrors manga though. :/
