Requests Open/ Update/ Ideas

Hello everyone!
I've been gone for a while...A month or so now? I haven't been doing much, just playing games and reading, etc. I've been spending more time with Kit, practicing my writing and so on, it's been very nice.
I got out of school on the 18th, actually was able to get out on the 15th, and have been relaxing.
Unfortunatly, I haven't scanned any of my pictures from Art, and I have no new ones....
This is where the 'Requests Open' section comes in! If anyone wants a request (Up to ten at the most for now) I'll draw it and try to upload it ASAP. I won't make it all shoddy either. So....hit me up for requests!

Another section! 'Ideas'. You know the 'Your Face Here' picture I did? And how I thought about making it a series? What if I make that a community project or something? Have otaku's send in comments and etc. of ideas and/or people they've wished they could be. Not actual people from shows and such, just the type of people theyve wished they could be. I think it would be neat to try...

Anyway, its hard to type on a 3ds, ending the post now. X)

