Bases and Pewdiepie

I haven't been on TheO much, I've been being...lazy. >w>;;

I've been watching tons of PewDiePie videos. He is preeetty funny XD He goes through scary games and you has a running commentary, and you get to see how scared he gets.

But I deleted my videogame world~ I haven't posted on it for a while and I realized it wasn't really all that fun to try for me to remember what all I did on games when I would switch and play others often.
So then i had a thought. Why not add a world where I upload bases that I do in my free time and like? I wouldn't like to post them in my portfolio, just in a separate world.
So I think I may do that, once I find a few bases on hand and ect. ^^

That's all~ Just going back to watch more PewDiePie.

