
My little brother has had an infection for a few days. On day 1 he just complained that his jaw hurt. Day 2 swelling started, half of his face puffed up, which led us to take him to the er (The hospitals are slow around here, and it's hard to get an appointment on the spot unless it's really important. We weren't sure of what was wrong, and since it was late took him to the er.) and found that it may have been an abscessed tooth. day 3 he took the meds given to him, swelling down..(His eye got red, weirdly.) and today he went to the dentist, only to find out that whatever was making his jaw swell wasn't a tooth.
And mom told me she had an infection once like his and they had told her (since she postponed taking herself to the doctor) that she was lucky when she came, because if the infection spread, it would have killed her.

:c So, today, I'm worried about my brother. He's at the doctor right now, they managed to get in only a few hours after his dentist appointment, and hopefully I'll hear from mom or dad soon.

