The Rublix

The man, I wonder what he did...

Before I logged out I noticed a guy watching me. I noticed, after I logged out, that I had one new e-mail. "Join us" I clicked on it and read the following:

Join us, we are the Scared Hackers, and we dominate.The world
Become one of us. Go to Cursed Forbidden Paradise to join, to get your amulet, then show me.

Why would you dominate the world...
I must stop them...
I will form a group...
The Rublix...

I logged back onto the world and went to Hidden Eternal Melody. I fought ferociously to get to the end of the dungeon. When I opened the chest at the end, there was weapons inside. I picked out the Twin Blades, then pulled out my own. The new Twin Blades looked different than mine.

I found the Rublix place to get your weapons...

If you are the good guys, you need to go to Hidden Eternal Melody, but you have to get the keyword from Cleo. Join the Rublix!!

