Silly very short snippet with me making fun of my issues with names.
Savvanah ran off into the distance of the countryside cackling madly.
Terry sighed rubbing his temples as he turned to the blue haired girl carrying the huge book next to him. "Suriya…you still can't get any info on Savvanah, huh?"
Suriya sighed and flipped through her book. "None sir. I can find Savannas alright, but no Savanna Catarina Damone. I looked through the descriptions in case there was something weird going on with her name, but none of them match her. She's probably under a powerful cloaking spell."
Terry ran a hand through his black hair and looked at her book through the fingers of the hand over his face. "Suriya…her name is 'Savvanah'. With two 'V's and one 'N'."
Suriya's violet eye twitched "That…that is NOT a real spelling of Savanna!"
Terry shrugged. "Her parents were hippies. They probably couldn't remember how to spell it right."
The girl's eye twitch kept up "Still…just GAH!" she flipped through the pages of her book quickly. "Ah-hah! She's right here. This should be most of her info…" she said eyes quickly skimming over the page. "…Terry…do you see what I do?"
Terry's blue eyes widened as he read through the same page "…Suriya….we can't let her know if she doesn't already. And, if she does know we can't let on that we're aware of this."
She nodded grimly. "So, we keep pretending I can't find her fate then?"