Miss Independent

O, I need to let off a little steam here. I just finished watching the first episode of RomeoXJuliet, and I've read quite a bit of the manga. Now, I'm really enjoyed it, But I find it odd how Juliet can kick the gaurds tail, but seems akward around Romeo in the beggining, and is constantly blushing.

Now don't get me wrong, there is NOTHING wrong with the male being dominant, thats how its supposed to be, but honestly, I get sick of these swooning idiot heroines. If they can kick tail on thier own, why do they become emotional wrecks when thier love interest walk in, while the dude can kick tail alone AND in the presance of his lady?

I'm not being all "womens rights" bla bla bla, I'm just wondering why men are always so suave when the girls get a good bawl now and then. Guys always seem to get through on theier own strength, while girls always seem to need to be rescued.

It's actually amusing sometimes. Have you ever tried being rescued by someone who has no clue whats going on, or by two guys who don't like each other? I mean, some girls like being rescued, cared for, and petted, but after a while, it gets on my nerves. Whats so bad about appreciating a strong woman, or even encouraging her to fufill her potential on her own? I want my man to be proud of me, not just taking care of me because I'm cute.

I understand that everyone needs help now and then, but if I want help, I'll ASK for it. I don't need to be hovered over constantly, that just makes me feel caged and nervous. I want to be able to take care of my own buisness, and have a happy place to cuddle up afterwards.

Well, here's a song that kind of expresses what I just said. (I'm NOT a Ne-Yo or Jamie Fox fan, I just like the song, and it makes the point very well)

Ok, I've vented, and feel better. Just so you know, I'm not acusing anyone, I'm just pointing out that the whole "damsel in distres" seems to be the expected behavior, and may need rethinking.
