
Well, I'M HERE! I'm soooo happy! I'm living on-campus now, and having an amazing time! I love my room, my campus, my room-mate and just... everything! It working out better then I imagined.

The double-good news is that, now that things are a bit more stable, I should be able to indulge my otaku obsessions a bit, which means more rants. So, be watching! My mind is going a million miles a minute, and my pen and keyboard aren't far behind!

I hope you are all having as wonderful a time as me, and I look forward to sharing more with you int he coming days, both on chat, and through my worlds.

O, BTW, if anyone is interested in Fruits Basket fanfic, a friend of mine is writing a good one. I can give a link to anyone interested. You know I normally don't go for fanfic, but this one is off-the-charts cool.

Well, I off for flying practice, so take care, and I'll be around, as always.

