College Life.

This was requested by several people. Its basically just the main points of whats diffrent here in college.

1. The food. For the most part, the food rocks. I'm talking Pizza, burgers, and mexican among other things, all as much as you can handle. There occasionally "specialty" night, such as shrimp and steak yesterday.

2. Classes. Well, they are HARD, but fun. I'm exploring all kinds of various avenues of knowledge, and finally being allowed to question, probe, and devlope ideas, instead of the "Sit down and be quiet" mentallity of high school.

4. Time. I'm allowed to do as I like. Even most clubs don't have mandatory attendance, its what YOU want, when you want to (within some limits).

5. Dorms. Ok, yea, they're small, and and you have to share. But, you get water, electricity, internet access, etc, all covered, and unlimited. That pretty much rocks.

Well, I might talk more later, bring out some bad points (once I think of them) but for now, I think you get the point.
