Top 5 Halloween Outfits

Ok, here are a few lists of dos and don'ts I saw during my halloween fastivities. It might give you some ideas, or just some laughs. Enjoy!

All of the folowing are outfits ACTUALLY worn by REAL people this year.

Top 5 FUNNIEST Costumes
5. Giant Cookie- you are just ASKING for someone to nom on you.
4. Ugly Tooth Fairy- Passing out monopoly money actualyl does increase your popularity, but what where you swing your pliers!
3. Drunk Preacher- I think this one explains itself
2. Rubix Cube- I'm still wondering how he got in the door.
1. Blind Referee. Yes, striped shirt, whistle, and cane. Sure to get laughs!

Top 5 WORST Costumes
5. Storm-Trooper- come on, by yourself, its kinda lame, and the outfit is sooo warm inside!
4. Rapper- that style is so commen, it looks like you wandered inside in street clothes, not an actuall costume.
3. French Hooker- maybe if worn by a woman, it would have worked, but this was a GUY! If your chest is taht hairy, just say NO to victorias secret, please!
2. Ambigously gay couple- really, thats the best you could coem up with?
1. Cat-girl- way overdone, and basically just an excuse to wear under-ear in public.

Top 5 BEST Costumes
5. Arabian Prince- simple, yet creative, and very good-looking.
4. Abbey- NCIS rules!
3. The Smurfs- 6 foot tall, blue body paint, white pants= awesomeness. In groups, this realy rocks.
2. The Mad Hatter- Done Johny Depp style, hand-made outfit, and very well played. Anyone who can pull off Johny Depp while doing the cupid shuffle is a winner in my book!
1. Edward Scissorhands- This costume was well-thought out, well worn, and well cosplayed. The person got into charachter, and could have fooled almost any Johny Depp fan.

Hope you had a happy Halloween, and I'll put some pics of my outfit up later. ATM, all the pics are on my friends camera.
