12 College Lessons NOT Learned in the Classroom

These are just a few things I've had to learn the hard, and often hilarious, way so far this semester. And yes, there is a story behind each and every one of these.

1. All dorm rooms are NOT created equal

2. Whether you’re 21 or not, claiming to be the Designated Driver gets you anywhere.

3. No matter how many times you say you are 18, they won’t believe you without official proof. Say you are 19, however, and no one questions you.

4. Unlike teachers, professors do not care whether you fail or not. They get paid either way.

5. Collage campuses are one of the few places you can wander around in your pajamas, hung over, or in pretty much any other state besides bleeding, and people will still smile and ask how your day is.

6. All those bragging right you earned in high school mean NOTHING.

7. Fishnets are warmer then they look.

8. The key to getting anything; is knowing which guy to wink out, and how he likes to be winked at.

9. Almost any laundry-washing apparatus secretly hates your guts.

10. Just because someone is a safe driver during the day, doesn’t they’ll be that way at night.

11. Pizza, Dr. Pepper, and Chocolate can cure anything.

12. Want to get very popular, very fast? Be the only one with a car.

Hope you enjoyed my little list, and if you want to know some of the stories of how I learned these lessons, just ask. hehe. Have an awesome day, and make sure you let the dryer know who's boss.
