I'm a writer... but not that kind!

Ok, I'm blowing off steam. I'm really getting frustrated here. I have been writing fiction for some time now, and my work has been widely praised by those who read it.

I've been writing essays and research papers for almost as long, and I've even won some award for them. I'm not bragging, thats just how it is.

But, I get fed up, when I'm stuck on a term paper, and everyone says, "But, you're a writer, aren't you?" Just because I can put emotions onto a page when inspiration strikes (It likes to visit me between 10:30 pm, and 2:00 am most of the time), or find sources on things that interest me and quote them properly, does not mean I am instantly going to understand or be able to grasp word level analysis or such things overnight.

I have worked hard to get myself recognized as a good writer, but now I feel steryotyped.

Is it just me, or do other people have this problem? You are good at one kind of thing, and people think you can do anything?

Ok, I'm done ranting now. Thanks for your sympathy. I hope you have a better day that me. :D
