You know you've failed if...

(All stories are at least 75% true, and have happened either to me, or a friend while I was there)

You walk into a glass door, hit your head so hard, you don’t remember, and do it AGAIN coming back in, in front of any entire theater full of people.

You lean over to pick something off the floor and you’re friend sighs and says “Seriously, don’t you own any not-white underwear?”

You walk into your all-girls dorm room, and a pair of mens boxers is hanging from the refrigerator my magnets.

You glomp someone, then realize they weren’t who you thought they were.
You are taking a break, enjoying a bottle of ramune (Japanese soda in a glass bottle, for those who don’t know) and you’re room-mates Boyfriend asks what it is, and you tell him, he says “How many of those have you drunk, because you’re slurring”

You walk into a bar… and can’t remember why

Someone asks you to sing the Caramelldansen, and you do… in German.

You trip while striking the hero pose.

You go to break up with your boyfriend, and he didn’t even realize you were dating.

You turn your homework in on, time… to the wrong class.

You ask you’re friend in a wheelchair to come visit you sometime, then realize that you live on the third floor, and there are no ramps or elevators in your building.

You have to use a pencil and paper to figure out what a quarter of a dozen is.
And finally, and most epically… You walk up to a group of Asians and proudly greet them in Japanese, only to realize they’re Korean.
