Back in the Saddle Again

Well, school starts again monday. I now have 15 hours worth of classes and a 30 hour a week job. Thats the bad news.

The good news is I'm finally going to be able to get rid of some of the brain rot that set in during the summeer, and since some of my financial aid came in I might be able to finally get my own netbook. So I'll be able to get my homework done faster, and might have more time to chill with you guys. Also, since my Bf has insisted we watch anime together regularly, I have some reviews to add once I find some time. Its so wierd, I HATE my job, but it makes school seem not nearly so bad after all. LOL

BTW, I'm planning on applying for a diffrent job soon, before this one drives me insane. If anyone has some interesting suggestions, I'm all ears. I'm really trying to find something less monotonous.

Love to all and three cheers (or groans) for back to school!
