New fan

OK, so I'll admit it, I was only introduced to anime about a year ago, but I've been hooked ever since. Natuarally, I've enjoyed the wide range offerd now-a-days and have gravitated more towards the newer stuff like Fruits Basket, DNAngel and Anima+. Many anime-lovers think me odd when I admit I've never really watched Inuyasha, and am only on about episode 40 or so of Naruto, that I don't feel like Sailor Moon is my style, and I don't even know the plot of Gundam.

But seriously, does that make me LESS of a fan? I can describe the personalities of all the Sohmas, and which zodiac animal is which. I can tell Riku from Risa. I know which anima carries which symbol. I know about ten Ninja hand symbols and so on. My library has experienced a recent influx of mangas, and I've been raiding my best friends shelfs for more. I spend hours loitering at bookstores reading mangas. Even the kids at school keep asking why I'm always reading my books backwards and whether I really speak japanese.

so what if I didn't read my first manga or watch my first anime till I was seventeen.I loved it the moment I saw it, and have continued to love it, despite the school kids thinking I'm a freak and my parents trying to convince me that all japanamation is of the devil. I've even got my sibs hooked on Avatar.

I would have liked to be there fromt he beggining, when Pokemon was just taking off and Naruto was all new. But I'm here now and I'm ready to party! So get ready for a whole new wave of fans, cause the DragonRider and her friends are here to stay!!
