The right way!

So, I was sifting through the books at the local bookfair the library hosts every six months, and there, on the "clearance" table were two copies of a manga! I picked it up and satred happily reading it, hooked from the first page.

Well, teh librarian came and leaned over my shoulder to see what I was doing. Her first reaction was to freak out. "I can't belive this!" She cried. "This one is printed backwards! And look at these litte squiggles int he pictures! You'd think the company would have better producty control than this!"

It took me a while to explain that the squiggles were left over from the origanal japanese format and that it was SUPPOSED to start on the right. Once she calmed down, she tried to read the other copy, but became confused quickly, shrugged me off and went to organize the pencils.

Now, normally the only stuff we get out here is Bakugan, Yu-Gi-Oh, Pokeman, and other stratagy game-ralated stuff, along with the occasional Naruto poster, so I was thrilled to have this new series incorporated, but sadely, most ppl who see real manga have this reaction. They want to know what is "wrong" with the book. They never even try to read it, they just assume it is a mistake and flare up.

As for me, I was so syked to find a full mange for only $3 that I claimed it immediatly and and am bringing it home proudly to enjoy with a box of pocky I drove an hour just to get.

I don't care how many times people tell me I am reading the wrong way. I am smart anought to actually figure out wether what I am holding is a manga or a graphic novel, and I have the brains to figure out that punctution goes at the END of the sentance.

Maybe the problem is that people give up to easily. Maybe, the problem with the world is people don't bother to read the right way.
