Woke up tired, had to go to stupid school, and ride the bus to preview a college, I don't even like. Tried to take a nap, and got a head rammed forceably into the seat by a jock, and spent the next hour with my ears ringing, and my eyes watering, and trying not to cry. My head still hurts.

Got to the stupid college, went to th bathroom to make sure i wasn't bruised, and found blood everywhere. just great, and sure enough, an hour later I was cramping so bad I could hardly walk. But walk I did, all over campus, TWICE!

then, after being tripped and having french fries and other stuff thrown at me, we got back on the rickety bus, and my already tight muscels were bumped and jolted all the way home. I didn't dare sleep agian.

so, I came home, took some tylenol, and passed out for an hour. Wehn I woke up, i could steel feel a lot of pressure, but not so much pain except for the slight headache I still have.

I graduate in 4 weeks. It can't come soon enough.

Bible verse for today- Psalm 46:1
