Skip Day.

Well, today was senior skip day, so they were going to send us on yet another field trip, to another job fair, at another college.

Well, guess what! I skipped senior skip day, and stayed home! I have been catching up on my homework, and so forth. I have been relaxed, finally got to talk to some people, and generally had a great time. Yes, I sat in front of the computer most of the day, yes, the counceler is nt going to be happy, and no, I don't care.

Well, tomorow is school again as usually. I'll deal with that when it gets here. Today was a "lets live life and let the rest blow day." LOL.

So here's to us, who know when to go along with the mainstream institution, and also know when to break away, look the institiution in its face and say "I don't care."

Ok, so maybe I'm taking this to far, but after thre years at that stupid school, this breath of freedam has been amazing.

On that note, I hope you also have a great day, and I'll see yall around!
