Swine Flue? Give me a break!

ok, so hundreds of kids die from normal flu every year right? And thats normall. People are born, people die, and life isn't fair. We learn to accept this because it has been going on since the first family, and will continue happening till the world ends.

Now, would someone please explain to me why a diffrent strain, that is LESS contagious, LESS likely to kill you, MORE easy to cure, and very THINLY spread, is causing everyone to freak out.

Unlike the hundreds that die every year from regular flu, only seven in America have died from it. Tehre are only 114 confiremed cases. Just like regular flu, you only get it from having the germs near your mouth, eyes, or other places they can get it, so if you stay clean, chances are you won't get it. Just like regualr flu, if youtake care of yourself, you will likely live through it.

Now, I have a friend from england who is being told not to fly to Texas, because he might get Swine flu. Now, lets put this in persepctive, shall we?

One person has died in the state of Texas, from swine flu, and that was an eighteen month old, who didn't have an established immune system yet. Only 26 people have been confirmed sick from Swine flu in Texas. Now, think about how many people are in Texas. Now, Think of all people who are dying from phnemonia, colds, normall flu, etc. So, we now have millions, of people, thousands of which are sick, hundreds of which are dying... and we are panicking, shutting down schols, and stoping loved ones from seeing each other over around one hundred sick people, and one dead toddler?

There even entire schools sshut down, in towns where no one within a hundred miles even has a suspected case of swin flu! However, if children in a school are diagnosed with AIDS, they school jsut sends out a letter sayig someone has it, not even saying who, the kid is allowed to hang around and spread it to whomever he or she chooses.

Even the NAME "swine flu" is dumb. you do not get ti from pigs, you do not get it from eating pork. It has nothing to do with swine whatsoever. Now, people are afraid to go near hogs, and are refusing to eat pork. Why are they doing this? Because they don't research, they have no clue whats going on, they just feel like panicing, apparently.

Here is what I see happening...

The media latches onto a story, and blasts it everywhere, really pushing it. Then, people see all the stories that are 90% hype, take the TVs word for it, and panic. Then, the government, rather than education people, just shut down a lot of stuff, in order to give people a false sense of security. The people in governement look like they are trying really hard to protect us, from what is really our own stupidity. Well, then the media points to the governments actions, and use them to justify the flambouant hype that started the whole mess.

So now, the government and and media look like heros, because the people of America, and most of the rest of the world, apparently, are two stupid to look up the facts for themselves, or bother to get any real info. I mean, you can google these stats, its not like they are hard to find, and a little common sense should tell you not to overeact.

So please people, open your eyes. You are not afraid of AIDS or SIDS, or cancer, or the common cold, which kill thousands every year, just in America. We do not close schools, or stop flight to other countries due to these illness.

Here's a life tip... STOP WORRYING SO MUCH! You are going to die one day. You will probably get sick, more than once, before that happens. Would you rather hide from death, and life in fear, then die, or have a fun-filled life, of friends, family, and happy memories, and then die?

So, i am going to school, I am eating pork, I am visiting other places where I have friends, whether people sick of swine flu or any other sickness happen to live ther or no. I promise not to cough in your face, or spit on you. I will wash my hands before I eat and bath regulary. I will turn of the TV and roll my eyes at poloticians. I will be happy and be having a great time. You wants to join me?
